• 434-373-0286
  • contact@axial.energy

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A. Modelling and Analysis:

Axial energy has a distinct combination of capacity and experience to deliver a wide range of surveying services. This acts as a platform to commercialize modelling services. We provide a one shop stop for all our clients, which can fast track a project and reduce coordinated risk and efforts.


  • Renewable integration studies
  • Interconnection Management
  • Network upgrades risk mitigation
  • Production cost Modelling
  • Load flow, steady state, short circuit & stability studies
  • Arc flash studies
  • SSR Studies
  • Reactive power studies
  • Network Model development

B. Engineering Design Services & Studies:

At Axial energy, we build an engineering team that understands the big picture of what your project intents to accomplish. Our Team is composed of Scada and substation engineers who see your projects through their lenses. We possess technical and project management expertise necessary to keep your projects moving forward.
We have expertise in Design drawings, calculation methodology and studies platform to commercialize engineering design.


  • Substation Design
  • Transmission line design
  • Collection system design
  • Wind and Solar firm energy analysis and Design
  • Engineering studies
  • Battery sizing evaluation
  • Battery Integration Engineering
  • Financial modelling of wind, solar and battery projects
  • Energy audit of load centers to improve energy efficiency

C. SCADA Design & Asset Optimization:

Axial energy’s depth of experience and knowledge in renewable markets makes us well positioned to conduct a wide range of studies in renewable design, transmission planning and design, substation, generation interconnection, SCADA design and asset optimization. Our way of work suites for various applications to commercialize SCADA engineering, NERC compliance and asset optimization services. Our team of highly qualified studies engineers provide insightful data and analysis to help guide our clients in decision making and advise of potential pitfalls and future project considerations for added long term value. We manage all aspects of the studies resulting in better communication and efficiency and giving you direct and reliable access to our team. We also maintain several industry leading software licenses to ensure we meet our clients requirements.


  • Metering Philosophy and set up
  • Voltage and reactive power controller
  • Cap bank & reactor control logic
  • Active power control
  • Plant level SCADA integration
  • Battery EMS and controller
  • NERC compliance program
  • Root cause analysis for failures
  • Engineering and data analysis for asset optimization